
Why That Pain in Your Arm May Point to a Problem in Your Neck

Why That Pain in Your Arm May Point to a Problem in Your Neck

Why That Pain in Your Arm May Point to a Problem in Your Neck. Pain can be a tricky problem to treat, especially when it occurs without an obvious injury or trauma. That's why a key component to diagnosing a pain condition lies in the symptoms themselves because they often provide clues to the problem — including whether your pain originates in another part of your body. It's actually common to have damage in one part of the body but feel symptoms in another.

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How to Tell If You Have a Blood Clot in Your Leg

How to Tell If You Have a Blood Clot in Your Leg

How to Tell If You Have a Blood Clot in Your Leg. Leg pain is a common problem, especially in adults aged 65 and older. But, even though 50.3% of older adults have pain in their hips and legs, that doesn't mean it's normal. In fact, it could be a sign of a potentially dangerous problem: a blood clot.

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The Link Between Migraines and Neck Pain

The Link Between Migraines and Neck Pain

The Link Between Migraines and Neck Pain. Migraines are a surprisingly prevalent and misunderstood neurological disease, affecting 39 million Americans of all ages and a staggering 1 billion people worldwide. And many people who get migraines also experience neck pain. This is especially true among those living with chronic migraines, which is when you have 15 or more headaches a month.

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Decrease Your Excruciating Pain with Epidural Injections

Decrease Your Excruciating Pain with Epidural Injections

Decrease Your Excruciating Pain with Epidural Injections. It can be easy to grow frustrated when looking for pain management solutions. However, if your chronic neck or back pain involves nerves near your spine, epidural injections could provide the relief you've been searching for. Our health specialists at Valley Neurology and Pain are experts in helping patients manage painful conditions.

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Shoulder Pain Without Injury: 5 Common Causes

Shoulder Pain Without Injury: 5 Common Causes

Shoulder Pain Without Injury: 5 Common Causes. Shoulder pain can occur for numerous reasons. The most obvious is the result of a traumatic event, such as falling or being in a car accident. However, it's also common to develop pain in this area of your body without suffering an injury.

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What Treatments Can Help with My Knee Pain?

What Treatments Can Help with My Knee Pain?

What Treatments Can Help with My Knee Pain? Our knees help us do lots of things, including walk, sit, kneel, and lift. Unfortunately, if they hurt, our normal way of life can come to a grinding halt. The good news is you don't have to live with knee pain. At Valley Neurology and Pain, our providers have extensive experience assessing and treating knee pain.

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5 Ways to Overcome Spine Pain Without Surgery

5 Ways to Overcome Spine Pain Without Surgery

5 Ways to Overcome Spine Pain Without Surgery. Nearly 65 million Americans experience back pain. And, for 16 million adults — or 8% of the adult population — these symptoms become a persistent, chronic problem. At Valley Neurology and Pain, our award-winning team relies on cutting-edge, interventional treatments for acute and chronic pain.

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Understanding Your Treatment Options for Migraines

Understanding Your Treatment Options for Migraines

Understanding Your Treatment Options for Migraines. If you've ever had a migraine, you know firsthand how debilitating the symptoms can be. These unique headaches can last for hours or days and cause pain so severe it interferes with your daily life. What makes these symptoms even more problematic is that they can occur frequently, even several times a month.

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What Can Help Reduce or Eliminate My Joint Pain?

What Can Help Reduce or Eliminate My Joint Pain?

What Can Help Reduce or Eliminate My Joint Pain? Joint pain is a common problem. In fact, 23% of American adults live with arthritis symptoms alone. That's more than 54 million people. However, even though joint pain is common, it can have numerous causes.

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How to Get Relief for Your Sciatica

How to Get Relief for Your Sciatica

How to Get Relief for Your Sciatica. Sciatica is a common problem that affects up to 40% of people at some point in their lifetime. Unlike other forms of back pain, this painful condition causes symptoms that radiate from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and down into the legs along the sciatic nerve. If this sounds familiar, you don't have to suffer through sciatica symptoms.

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Can PRP Therapy Help Me?

Can PRP Therapy Help Me?

Can PRP Therapy Help Me? Pain is a serious and widespread problem in the United States, with chronic pain alone impacting up to 40% of adults. Unfortunately, this common problem not only restricts mobility and daily life, but it also takes a toll on a person's physical and emotional health. The good news is that you can find relief from innovative therapies, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which can reduce or eliminate pain by healing your body on a cellular level. And, since this regenerative therapy relies on the healing properties found in your own blood, it comes with few risks.

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Don't Start the New Year With Shoulder Pain: We Can Help

Don't Start the New Year With Shoulder Pain: We Can Help

Don't Start the New Year With Shoulder Pain: We Can Help. Approximately 67% of Americans develop shoulder pain at some point. That's because the highly mobile nature of the shoulder joint leaves it vulnerable to injury. But, even though shoulder pain is common, we also have good news.

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Dealing with Pain During the Holiday Season

Dealing with Pain During the Holiday Season

Dealing with Pain During the Holiday Season. There's a lot to love about the holidays. But, the season can come with added layers of frustration if you live with chronic pain. Fortunately, you don't have to let your symptoms derail your festivities.

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Who Needs Epidural Injections?

Who Needs Epidural Injections?

Who Needs Epidural Injections? Back pain is an incredibly common problem, affecting approximately 80% of Americans at some point in their lives. In fact, it's one of the main reasons people visit the doctor each year. However, even though it's a widespread problem, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to find relief. That's because you can have pain in any region of your back, from your neck to your lower spine, and it can have several causes.

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How to Prevent Tech Neck

How to Prevent Tech Neck

How to Prevent Tech Neck. It's probably hard to imagine a time when you weren't connected instantly with friends, family, and information. Information that once required buildings to contain now fits in devices that can go in your purse or pocket. However, this access can come at a cost.

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What are the Benefits of MUA? (Manipulation Under Anesthesia)

What are the Benefits of MUA? (Manipulation Under Anesthesia)

What are the Benefits of MUA? (Manipulation Under Anesthesia). There are times when chronic pain, surgery, an acute or a long-standing injury can create deep scar-like conditions called adhesions, which may not respond to conservative care and/or exercising and stretching. The providers at Valley Neurology and Pain offer manipulation under anesthesia (MUA), a technique that uses sedation to relax you, making MUA more effective than when you're fully alert.

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5 Signs Your Headaches Are Actually Migraines

5 Signs Your Headaches Are Actually Migraines

5 Signs Your Headaches Are Actually Migraines. Many people might not know what's causing their head pain. All they know is their head hurts and they want relief. However, a number of things can cause head pain, and knowing what those causes are can help you get to the root of the problem and thus get treatment for it.

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How PRP Therapy Can Treat Your Arthritic Joints

How PRP Therapy Can Treat Your Arthritic Joints

How PRP Therapy Can Treat Your Arthritic Joints. An estimated 55 million Americans have some form of arthritis, which is an umbrella term for a collection of diseases that affect the joints. Arthritis is generally a progressive and incurable condition. Arthritis may not only cause pain, but it can make sufferers reluctant to move the affected joints.

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How and Why Men and Women Experience Pain Differently

How and Why Men and Women Experience Pain Differently

How and Why Men and Women Experience Pain Differently. Many things are similar in men and women. Both women and men have blood, for example, and they share fundamental anatomical components, such as brains, skeletons, and vital organs. However, research shows that men and women can experience one common component of the human experience very differently: pain.

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5 Little-Known Tips for Sleeping with Chronic Pain

5 Little-Known Tips for Sleeping with Chronic Pain

5 Little-Known Tips for Sleeping with Chronic Pain. Chronic pain can make sleeping difficult. And, unfortunately, sleep disorders can aggravate chronic pain. If it sounds like a vicious cycle, it is, and if it's something you live with, you know firsthand.

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How Long Should You Power Through Pain Before Seeking Medical Help?

How Long Should You Power Through Pain Before Seeking Medical Help?

How Long Should You Power Through Pain Before Seeking Medical Help? There’s no simple answer to the question of how much pain is normal and at what point you should seek medical attention. Powering through pain is often part of “the game,” no matter what your game is. The “no pain, no gain” ethos is common even when you’re conditioning. In this blog, the expert doctors at Valley Neurology and Pain discuss the causes of pain and when you should seek help.

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Anger Can Worsen Chronic Pain

Anger Can Worsen Chronic Pain

Anger Can Worsen Chronic Pain. Chronic pain affects more than one in five American adults, and about 8% have symptoms severe enough to cause a significant impact on their quality of life. This type of pain has been linked to a wide range of physical and mental conditions. Regardless of the underlying reason for your chronic pain, feelings of anger can play a significant role in complicating your pain-management efforts.

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The 5 Most Common Running Injuries

The 5 Most Common Running Injuries

The 5 Most Common Running Injuries. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon returns to Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe, Arizona, on January 18th and 19th. With five courses and a weekend full of events, there’s something for everyone. While there are many health benefits associated with running, the activity can also lead to various injuries.

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Remedying the Impact of Winter Sports on Knees and Back injuries

Remedying the Impact of Winter Sports on Knees and Back injuries

Remedying the Impact of Winter Sports on Knees and Back injuries. The winter sports season is upon us, and so too are winter sports injuries. No matter the sport you participate in, such as snowboarding, skiing, or ice skating, your back and knees can bear the brunt of your winter fun. With a little preparation, though, you can give yourself the best chance to stay injury-free.

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Why Radiofrequency Ablation May be the Best Solution for Your Chronic Back Pain

Why Radiofrequency Ablation May be the Best Solution for Your Chronic Back Pain

Why Radiofrequency Ablation May be the Best Solution for Your Chronic Back Pain. Do you have chronic back pain? Have conservative treatments like non-prescription medication, physical therapy and chiropractic care been ineffective? You could be a candidate for radiofrequency ablation, a treatment that deals with pain signals from affected nerves at their source.

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How to Select the Right Physician For Your Regenerative Medicine Treatment

How to Select the Right Physician For Your Regenerative Medicine Treatment

How to Select the Right Physician For Your Regenerative Medicine Treatment. It’s never been a better time to explore the latest regenerative medicine techniques, especially if you’re living with chronic pain. But, not all providers of these innovative treatments are created equal. In this blog, the physicians at Valley Neurology and Pain have compiled a list of things you should know before deciding on what treatment to get or who should provide it.

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Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) Alleviates Pain and Improves Your Range of Motion

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) Alleviates Pain and Improves Your Range of Motion

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) Alleviates Pain and Improves Your Range of Motion. It’s easy to feel like nothing can help if you’re living with chronic pain and limited range of motion. But, even if other treatments have failed in the past, manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) could offer significant relief. In fact, MUA offers success rates of 80-90%.

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Is It Normal to Develop Back Pain As You Get Older

Is It Normal to Develop Back Pain As You Get Older

Is It Normal to Develop Back Pain As You Get Older? As you get older, there are certain things you expect as part of the process. Your memory may not be as sharp, or wrinkles and gray hair may affect your daily grooming routine. Once you pass the age of about 40, occasional back pain may join the litany of complaints associated with aging. In fact, as many as 85% of Americans experience neck and back pain at some point in their lives.

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Is Stress Causing Your Migraines

Is Stress Causing Your Migraines

Is Stress Causing Your Migraines? With about 25% of American households including a migraine sufferer, it’s not surprising that this neurological disorder is one of the leading causes of disability. More than 90% of those with migraines are unable to function normally through an episode, and women are three times more affected than men. While migraines can be unique to each sufferer, one common trigger of migraine episodes is stress. Once an episode starts, then chronic pain creates stress of its own, perhaps contributing to later migraines.

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How Tiger Woods & Rafael Nadal Utilized PRP Therapies to recover from injuries

How Tiger Woods & Rafael Nadal Utilized PRP Therapies to recover from injuries

HOW TIGER WOODS & RAFAEL NADAL UTILIZED PRP THERAPIES TO RECOVER FROM INJURIES. Regenerative therapies in medicine are rapidly increasing in popularity. For several years these treatments have drawn the interest of professional athletes. Athletes utilize a variety of regenerative therapies including platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapies to enhance rehabilitation efforts and recovery from injury.

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How your office job may be contributing to neck pain and what you can do about it

How your office job may be contributing to neck pain and what you can do about it

How your office job may be contributing to neck pain and what you can do about it. If you’re like many people, you probably spend much of your day sitting at a desk. This sedentary behavior puts you at increased risk for spending prolonged time in poor posture, potentially causing pain and discomfort. Here are 5 easy tips that will go a long way in helping your neck and back feel better at work. Practice good posture.

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What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)? Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is one treatment that is included in the discipline of “Regenerative Therapies”. It is a non-operative treatment option that relieves pain and promotes the healing of damaged tissues. Although whole blood is primarily composed of a liquid called plasma, it also contains solid components such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets are best known for their importance in the process of the body's ability to form clots that stop bleeding.

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Sciatica Pain - How We Can Help

Sciatica Pain - How We Can Help

Sciatica Pain – How We Can Help. Many hard-working Americans believe you should just “work through pain”. Although perseverance is admirable, enduring physical pain could lead to complications or more serious conditions. Due to postures required at work, old sports injuries, and even from wearing improper footwear, sufferers may unknowingly trigger or endure pain longer than they have to.

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You have tried

You have tried "everything" to help your back pain, now what?

You have tried “everything” to help your back pain – now what? If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work days and, maybe even more importantly, missed vacations or family get togethers. I myself have suffered from low back pain several years ago and I remember how it wiped me out.

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Treat your pain with Regenerative Medicine

Treat your pain with Regenerative Medicine

Treat your pain with Regenerative Medicine. Non-Invasive Techniques of Regenerative Medicine. There is a great deal of change happening in modern medicine, and Regenerative Medicine is one of the areas that are quickly changing.

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How to Manage Lower Back Pain

How to Manage Lower Back Pain

How to Manage Lower Back Pain. Lower back pain. If you have lower back pain, you are not alone.

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Valley Neurology and Pain of Arizona Phoenix Magazine Top Doctor Award - Valley Neurology and Pain of Arizona

phone 480-508-2700

fax 866-371-2839

place 426 E Southern Ave Ste 101 Tempe, AZ 85282

place 2330 N 75th Ave Ste 113 Phoenix, AZ 85035